– Revolver Magazine
“Possible Cult”
– Classic Rock Magazine
“Enjoying this new band’s take on prog”
– Jonathan Ross
“Fans of Queen and Queens of the Stone Age will nod sagely”
– Mojo Magazine ★★★★
“A true modern day prog rock classic that should be exalted from the highest altar”
– Powerplay Magazine 9/10
Tele-Vision Centre
Here you will find all of the Church’s video output!
One More Step
Latest Release!

One More Step - Official Video
Living in a Bubble

Living in a Bubble - Official Video
Sorcery & Sabotage

Sorcery & Sabotage - Official Video
Cold Sweat

Cold Sweat - Official Video
Evil in Your Eye

Evil In Your Eye - Official Video
Answers in your Soul
Video Series 1
Airing on Saturdays at prime-time 7pm GMT, the popular series includes answers to your questions, riveting song insights from Brother Bill, fascinating instructional material and many more surprises!
If you would like to submit questions, requests, or comments please do so here:
Series Finale!

Episode 9 – How to Play ‘Black Slug’

Episode 1 – How to Play ‘Cold Sweat’

Episode 2 – ‘Evil in your Eye’ Instrumentation

Episode 3 – ‘Evil in your Eye’ Solos

Episode 4 – ‘Evil in your Eye’ Vocals

Episode 5 – ‘Sorcery & Sabotage’ Main Parts & Vocals

Episode 6 – ‘Sorcery & Sabotage’ Solos & Outtro

Episode 7 – ‘Living In A Bubble’ Piano

Episode 8 – ‘Living In A Bubble’ Vocals and Instrumentation
Inside the Rainbow Lodge Miniseries

Inside the Rainbow Lodge - Part 1

Inside the Rainbow Lodge - Part 2

Inside the Rainbow Lodge - Part 3

Inside the Rainbow Lodge - Part 4

Inside the Rainbow Lodge - Part 5
Black Slug

Black Slug - Official Video
Commentary Highlights
Why do I feel like I've been recruited into a cult created by someone who discovered an ELO record while hung over and thought it was a gospel?
Maraak .Nor - Youtube
Where do I sign away my eternal soul?
Weird Side - Youtube
1.3 Million views later and it still doesn't feel like this band is getting the attention they deserve!! Awesome stuff
Michael Walshe - Youtube
I have just signed the legal documents to have this video be the godparent to my children
Jeff Human - Youtube
No idea what is going on. I love it.
Łuk Kope - Youtube
With a name like church of the cosmic skull, I was expecting some type of Norwegian black metal band... what a disappointment
John Ochiltree - Youtube
They warned me Satan would be beautiful.
James Deneen - Youtube
Josh Homme could learn a couple things from these guys.
stonerdemon - Youtube
This is what the Manson Family could have been
Josh Booker - Youtube
Everyone's talking about Brother Bills admittedly wonderful beard but no one's talking about the majestic beauty that is Brother Sam's moustache, that thing turned me gay, then straight then gay again. I love this band but can't wait for that moustache to release a solo album.
Moist Tony - Youtube
Brother Michael uses approximately 87% of his body surface to play those keys. The other 13% couldn't be shown because this is a family program and he's humble. I am impressed.
Novidian - Youtube
Do you guys actually wash those clothes or just wear them until they turn yellow?
Wade Rhyderrek - Youtube
My friend introduced me to this band and I haven't been able to go a day without listening to them
cakeintheface1994 - Youtube
"It's like The Polyphonic Spree.
But good.
And with cojonés."
rransomm - Youtube
Sounds dumb but I got a panic attack the first week I listened to these guys. I couldn't get it out of my head to such a point I went a bit manic. Damn drugs
Jose Ureste - Youtube
This song should be in the next skittles advert
Illuminati_01 - Youtube
It’s like if you have a gimmick and practice for two weeks anyone hipster would fall for It and buy your snowflake prog album. Of course the lead singer / guitar has the duck dynasty thing going on. It’s like a cross between Right said Fred and Pink Floyd with no talent . It’s a cosmic joke , but hey maybe it’s so bad it’s good. Guess it’s a little catchy! Ok I think I like it now
rusty261 - Youtube
Great video with crappiest guitar solo in history. Im gonna look for more of your music.
Real Diaz - Youtube
Wow I just listened to one song and now I've already bought two physical albums and a shirt. Looks like Ive finally found the church I belong to!
Guillermo Santos - Youtube
Jason Statham looks pretty neat with a harmond keyboard.
Leonan Martins - Youtube
What a great song! Can't wait for 'Science Fiction'. Last night I sent this song to my 68 years old dad. The only words in his reply: amazing song! Need more of that band!
Ben Renton - Youtube
Is your stupid face real?
Guess Whocifer - Youtube